Decisions in the District are made in a number of different meetings.
Synod is the place where policy is set. It provides a link between the wider Methodist Church and local churches and circuits (groups of churches). There are two meetings of Synod; one for all representatives and one meeting only for presbyters.
This is a meeting for all Methodist Presbyters. It meets once a year, usually in March.
Representative Synod meets twice a year, on the third Saturday after Easter Day and on the second Saturday in September.
This is a meeting for the main officers of the District and is used as a thinking space and sounding board as vision is formed and actions considered. It reports to the District Policy Committee.
Members of the District Policy Committee are the legal trustees for the District. The Committee considers and approves policy matters for the District and receives reports from the various District projects.
This group oversees financial matters, grant applications and the Methodist consents process and reports to the District Policy Committee
Any queries about the committee structures within the District can be addressed to the District Administrator or the Synod Secretary who will be pleased to help.
Registered Charity no. 1132237
01270 627786
Chester and Stoke-on-Trent District Centre
Bishops Wood